Canobbio Arcade: the Gateway to Mazatlan’s History

Wondering how to spend a golden beach vacation without overspending? Come to Mazatlan! This beautiful coastal city is located in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, at the confluence of the Sea of Cortes and the Pacific Ocean, offering 11 miles of wide, pristine beaches, a modern Golden Zone where most of the best hotels in Mazatlan are located, and a charming Historic Center where cobbled streets, quaint plazas and plenty of ancient buildings housing restaurants, markets, and stores are to be found.

Beach and history cohabit in the idyllic Mazatlan. Known as The Pearl of the Pacific, it offers some of the best sport fishing of marlin and sailfish; great water sports all year round; an evolving golf scene and world-class amenities. Lovers of history and culture can enjoy an interesting tour on foot or by “pulmonia” around the Historic Center to admire splendorous colonial buildings including the popular Canobbio Arcade, the gateway to Mazatlan’s History.

  • Mazatlan’s Historic Center:

The Historic Center in Mazatlan is a faithful portrait of the area’s golden history between the 1840’s and the early 1900’s. From the main square- the iconic Plazuela Machado- you can start a marvelous trip back in time through the impressive Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and the Angela Peralta Theater and finish it at the most significant landmark of Mazatlan’s history: Los Portales de Canobbio, or Canobbio Arcade. In between, you can stop at several interesting museums, art galleries, charming cafes and traditional restaurants.


  • History of Canobbio Arcade:

Canobbio Arcade is located on the west side of Plazuela Machado on Heriberto Frías Street. This beautiful two-storey building originally had only one floor and was owned by Don Benito Machado. This prosperous trader held there a large store called Portal de la Lonja, which was for a long time the only store in Mazatlan authorized to sell shoes.

In 1852, Don Machado sold the building to Doña Tomasa Osuna and afterwards it was inherited by her daughter and her Italian husband, Don Luis Canobbio. It is after this family, that the building was renamed as Los Portales de Canobbio. In 1864, a second floor was added to the original construction leaving it the way we know it today. The fact is that Mr. Canobbio settled a pharmacy that over time became extremely popular in Mazatlan and its surroundings, as the pharmacist created the lotion “The Goddess Venus”: a substance said to be the Fountain of Eternal Youth. In 1897, the Canobbio Arcade also served as headquarters for the Banks of London and of Mexico.

After Mr. Canobbio’s death, the building was inherited by his children and eventually restored with the help of private investors and the state of Mazatlan.

  • The Canobbio Arcade today:

At present, the Canobbio Arcade remains to be a beautiful and quaint building. At the ground floor, you can visit several crafts stores and galleries, or take a seat at the traditional restaurant and café. At the first floor, you can visit the Casa Machado Museum, which was established in 1999, and displays an interesting collection of old photos, items and furniture belonging to the 19th and early 20th centuries.

At Canobbio Arcade you’ll certainly enjoy an exquisite architectural sample of the Mazatlan’s old times and of its history. Pay it a visit during your tour of the city.

Cecilia Vittori
Image: Flickr (author: KOKORO-OKU)

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